Cats and dogs need too much attention, why not have a bird? They are intelligent, independent, cute and beautiful, and they are extremely low-maintenance creature. If this idea ever occurs to you, you want to make sure the bird your are about to adopt is friendly, gentle, well-suited to being a companion pet, and legally okay for you to raise at your house. Here, we have listed 9 most friendly birds that would offer you great companionship.

1. Budgies

One of the most popular pet bird species in the world are the Budgies, and it comes as no surprise to anyone who has ever known one. When properly tamed and cared for, Budgies make extraordinarily friendly and affectionate pets. On top of being small and easy to care for, Budgies take well to training and can learn to perform many fun bird tricks. Best of all, Budgies have the ability to learn to talk, and delight people of all ages with their cute and comical little voices.

2. Cockatiel

The beautiful and captivating cockatielis another great choice for those who are looking for a friendly and affectionate pet bird. Hailing from Australia, these birds make excellent pets when hand-fed as babies and raised in loving environments. While they don’t normally learn to talk, they are exceptionally intelligent, and many learn to mimic common household noises such as doorbells, telephones, and microwaves. Being rather small, they don’t require as much space as larger parrots and are therefore easier to house and care for than many other hookbill species.

3. Cockatoos

If you prefer large birds but still want a pet that will be friendly, loving, and affectionate, then most bird owners will tell you that a Cockatoo may be your best bet. These beautiful birds bond very strongly to their owners and prefer to be with them all of the time if possible. If you do consider a pet cockatoo, it is imperative that you make sure that you have plenty of free time to spend socializing with your bird. Cockatoos can become depressed if they aren’t given enough attention, and may resort to plucking or other destructive behavior as a result.

4. Parrotlets

In the past few years, Parrotlets have enjoyed a great surge in popularity as pets around the world. Cute, tiny, and easy to take care of, these little birds are known for having personalities that are much larger than their tiny bodies. Those who consider a pet Parrotlet must have plenty of time on their hands to play and socialize with their birds so that they remain tame. However, for the right owners, Parrotlets make extremely loving and affectionate pets.

5. Hyacinth Macaws

Hyacinth Macaws are the largest parrots on Earth, so it may come as a surprise to some that these birds are also known as “gentle giants.” Known for their friendly and sociable personalities, these large parrots love nothing more than to spend time playing and cuddling with their owners. Because of their incredible size, it can be difficult for most people to provide proper housing for these birds. However, those who are able to meet their needs are always rewarded with an incredible relationship with their feathered friend. If you are interested in learning more about what it takes to care for a Hyacinth Macaw, contact a breeder near you and try to schedule an appointment to meet with them and their birds.

6. African Grey Parrot

The African grey parrot is one of the most talented talking/ mimicking birds on the planet, giving it quite a reputation among bird enthusiasts. Not only do bird keepers love this intelligent bird, it’s one of the most recognizable species to bird novices as well — everyone knows the African grey parrot. This parrot is one of the oldest psitticine species kept by humans, with records of the bird dating back to biblical times. Understated beauty and a brainy no-nonsense attitude are what keep this parrot at the peak of popularity.

7. Lovebird

If you love the bold personality of an Amazon parrot, but you’re not sure you can deal with a bigger bird, a lovebird just might be the pet for you. Lovebirds have tons of personality, and they can be extremely affectionate with the people they bond with. They can also be rather cantankerous, so they’re a better choice for someone who already has some experience keeping birds. If you’re willing to learn how to care for them and don’t mind the occasional nip to remind you that you might not be quite as in charge as you think you are, a lovebird makes an endlessly intriguing, albeit challenging, pet.

8. Green Cheek Conure

With their small size, beauty, intelligence, Green Cheek Conures have stolen many a bird lover’s heart in recent years. Their curiosity, spunk, and playful nature make them interesting and entertaining pets. Vocal and engaging, Conures are quite the personality packed into a little package. They are known to be affectionate and playful with their owners, thriving on the time they are able to spend socializing with them. Like all Conures, Green Cheeks can be noisy and aren’t the best choice for apartment dwellers. Some can learn a few words, but Green Cheek conures are not generally known as great talkers.

9. Pigeon and Dove

Domestic pigeons and doves make great pets. Good natured and mellow, they love both their own kind and people and they are easy to care for. They’re quiet, smart and social. They don’t bite, pluck, or chew and are low maintenance pets. They are masters of the leisure arts – napping, flirting, sunbathing and nest sitting. And they need homes! Domestic pigeons and doves cannot survive in the wild. A predator-safe, protected enclosure, food, water, grit, greens and companionship is all they ask. It is a blessing to have a flying creature as your companion, no matter which bird you decide to bring home, be sure to treat him gentle, feed him well and play with him often, he will be the best friend you can ever dream of. 